Wednesday, April 6, 2011

So, what do you want the Raptor to do?

Tell us what you would like the Raptor to do, maybe it can be incorporated as Scott whittles away at the firmware.


  1. That is a pretty broad question. I want it to easily interface to i2c, spi and one-wire devices. I need it to have a high speed (128K+) serial port with transparent handling to access and process data from devices such as a cmucam or other digital imager. I tried using a CMUcam with my old OOpic and it wasn't up to the task. I ended up putting the CMUcam into simple mode and just spitting out a few bytes at a time and relying on the onboard processing of the camera. This prevented such things as a full RGB data dump and retransmission through say, a bluetooth link to my handheld. Obviously we are dealing with a lot more power here so I don't see why this couldn't be possible now. I really loved the old OOpic support for many devices built-in and I expect to see the same device support with some new ones added that may not have previously been feasible or have come on the market in the past few years. I'll see if I can get some specific examples to post.

  2. Thanks Grim.
    There will be a CMUCAM object in the Raptor allowing for full use of the CMUs capabilities.

    There will actually be less "built in" objects in the Raptor firmware. To replace this there is now an 'Object Creator' interface of the IDE that will allow not only the creation of the object but an object icon editor as well.

    Scott expects that the user community will be creating dozens of objects right away and fully plans to release 'factory' objects on a very regular basis (mostly for the tricky stuff at first).

  3. Well, since oopic has been my favorite micro controller for a long time but in the years I lost track of things it all but disappeared so I have been trying to keep my oopics alive with an all but dying pc that still has a parallel port, AND since I aspire to build a "velociraptor" bipedal robot, I and since this oopic is called raptor I would love to be able to use it for the management and control system for my bot... SO it will need speed plus if possible objects for maintaining balance such as acceleromiters or gyros along with all the basics like PWM and servo control... but I would also like the compiler to remain bacward compatible with all my current oopics... from A1 to c3+ if possible and if possible... I know that is a lot to ask but I wait patiently to see what the new raptor oopic offers!!


  4. My new post will answer all of your questions Bryan.

  5. An object for the tlc-5940, might be nice.
